Hello Everyone,
Some good news: we are happy to announce Josefine Ingvarsson as head coach for OKK. Josefine is a well known and respected coach in the community. Unfortunately, as Josefine has prior engagements until the end of September, we will need to find other solutions for the coming weeks.
Next week (week 33) Christina Poppe will take over training for Monday-Tuesday.
Monday, 16/8 schedule:
9.00-9.45 group 1 (Vera, Rebecka, Agnes, Nellie)
9.45-10.30 group 2 and others
10.45-11.30 group 1
11.30-12.15 group 2 and others
Tuesday, 17/8 schedule:
10.00-10.45 group 1
11.15-12.00 group 2 and others
We realise this schedule does not include all the groups – we are working on finding other instructors so we can have ice time for everybody!
Again, thank you for your patience.
The Board