Saturday 21/8
Some more training times added on Saturday: 10:00-11:00 Adult group 11:00-12:00 Group 4+5 (Camilla will be on the ice during the session)
Glädje – Glöd – Gemenskap
Some more training times added on Saturday: 10:00-11:00 Adult group 11:00-12:00 Group 4+5 (Camilla will be on the ice during the session)
Hello all, we’ve added a few more opportunities for ice time (self training). Thursday 19/8 16:30-17:30 Group 1+2 Friday 20/8 15:00-16:00 Group 3+4 16:00-17:30 Group 1+2 We are currently working to arrange ice time on Saturday, please stay tuned.
Please note that there will not be a second training session with Christina on Tuesday 11:15-12:00. Instead, Camilla will be on the ice Tuesday 15:30-16:30 with those who can’t train earlier in the day. Additionally, there is a new code … Läs mer »
Hello all, We have formulated a questionnaire in order to assist us with planning. Please use the link below to enter all the information:
Hello Everyone, Some good news: we are happy to announce Josefine Ingvarsson as head coach for OKK. Josefine is a well known and respected coach in the community. Unfortunately, as Josefine has prior engagements until the end of September, we … Läs mer »
12/8/21 Hello all, We hope you had a wonderful summer. As you all know, we’ve had a tough and turbulent year with covid and several coaches. Getting a new head-coach, one that we hope will be great for our club, … Läs mer »
Varmt välkommna till Osby konståkningsklubbs årsmöteden 6/6 klockan 17:00. Vi vill mer än gärna träffa er alla vid en fysisk träff men tyvärr finner vi ingen annan möjlighet än att genomföra årsmötet digitalt med anledning av rådande situation. Mötet kommer … Läs mer »
Hej, Idag är tiden ändrad för fysträningen på Klinten,. Ny tid 18-19. Med vänlig hälsning, Sportgruppen
Torsdagen den 20/5 har det blivit ändrad träningstid, ny tid 16:00-16:45 vid ishallen för grupp 1-5. Med vänlig hälsning, Sportgruppen
Hej på er, Torsdagen den 13/5 kommer ingen träning bedrivas. Detta på grund av att det är en Kristi himmelsfärdsdag. Med vänlig hälsning, Sportgruppen